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Social Science Procedures/Mr. Jenkins



 Mr. Jenkins


  1.  The grading scale for this course is precisely what the school grading system is.

 2.  There is no seating chart in this classroom.  Be comfortable.

 3.  As a rule, the last couple of minutes of class are for your rest and relaxation.  I reserve the right, however, to use that time period if circumstances dictate.

 4.  All assignments are turned in on the front table.  If you come to class and there is an assignment on that table, feel free to pick it up.  Place name AND STUDENT NUMBER on each and every assignment.

 5. You can expect everything handed out by me relative to this class to be typed.

 6.  Limited use of cell phones in this class is acceptable with teacher permission.  Stay tuned for more specificity.

 7.  Please take care of your books and tables.  Bonus points are given for the use of planners.

 8.  This class has an open gradebook policy.  Additionally, grades are posted (confidentially) each Friday.

 9.  Signed progress reports must be submitted every 4.5 weeks.

10.  My preference is that all work be written in ink unless otherwise told.

11.  Failure to place your name on an assignment will result in a 2 letter grade deduction or “O” if it is an exam.

12.  Work may be turned in late (up to 2 days) with the understanding that two letter grades shall be deducted for each day that it is late.  After 48 hours, I will NOT accept it.

13.  I will not discuss make up work with a student that has NOT come in before school to retrieve it.  Beyond that, a one letter grade deduction (for that assignment(s)) is made for students that do not  pick up their assignments before school.

14.  A student may be late for class (up to 2 times) without penalty.  After that, the nine weeks grade shall drop by one letter grade for each late arrival.

15.  Chronic absences from class will result in morning study halls for each day of absence.  Additionally, if a student misses an exam in the morning and comes back to school in the afternoon, the student is required to make up the exam that day.

16.  Swearing, sleeping in class and chronic restroom trips will be dealt with individually.

17.  My desk is my personal domain.  Please do not sit in it or take things off of it without permission.

18.  Cheating is any misrepresentation of one’s work.  Punishment will range from a single letter grade deduction for the nine weeks to removal from the class.

19. "Tipping" is a no-no and have an open mind about learning and you'll enjoy what we do in this class.