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St. Francis

Board of Education


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Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting – September 8, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Shannon Grover in the administrative office on the above date at 7:00 a.m. with everyone present except Derrick Tice.  St. Francis Herald reporter Karen Krien was also present to observe and take notes.    

Troy Hilt made a motion to approve the agenda; the motion was seconded by Chris Bracelin and carried.

Items on the Consent Calendar were next considered.  Following review of these items, Mila Bandel moved, Ed Marin seconded, and it carried to approve the consent calendar, including the following items:  1) the minutes of the regular Board meeting on August 11, 2016.  2) The list of bills being paid on direct deposit slips numbering 0819037-0819050 and on checks numbering 10845-10854 on BANKWEST in the amount of $45,809.63 and checks numbering 11609-11674 on First National Bank totaling $109,403.37 for a grand total of $155,213.00.  3) The Cash Summary Report, the Grade School Activity Report, and the High School Activity Fund Report - all as of August 31, 2016.   

There were no audiences present.

There were no committee reports

Under old business, the Millennium Sciences and Kansas Department of Labor Reports on air quality at the Grade School were discussed.  All of the recommendations stated in the Millennium Sciences report have been completed.  No recommendations were suggested by the Kansas Department of Labor.  The Millennium Science’s executive report indicated air quality in the tested rooms is “within normal parameters.”  The KDOL executive reports indicated “no abnormal conditions were noted.” 

Under new business, Superintendent Schiltz presented two contract amendments for the Board’s consideration.  The first amendment is for Devin Dinkels’ contract, adding the position of High School Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach. The second amendment is for Carla Schiltz’s contract moving across on the pay scale after submitting additional credit hours.  Chris Bracelin made a motion to accept the contract amendments; motion was seconded by Cale Rieger, and carried.

Superintendent Schiltz reminded the Board that USD 297 has a policy in place indicating that teachers must supply the district office official transcripts prior to October 1st, for the additional hours to count toward advancement on the salary schedule.

At this time, Superintendent Schiltz requested a 10 minute executive session.  Ed Marin made a motion at 7:29 a.m. to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel.  The motion was seconded by Chris Bracelin and carried. Karen Krien left the room.  At 7:39 a.m., regular session resumed with no decisions being made.  Karen Krien returned to the meeting.

Superintendent Schiltz presented his thoughts and concerns regarding the financial ability of the school to increase salaries of all contracted employees.  It was the consensus of the Board to wait until the end of this fiscal year to see if the legislature makes any further changes to school funding.

At this time, Derrick Tice called into the meeting, Superintendent Schiltz requested a 5 minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel with all board members present or by phone.  Cale Rieger made a motion at 7:45 a.m. to go into a 5 minute executive session.  The motion was seconded by Chris Bracelin and carried.  Karen Krien left the room.  At 7:50 a.m. regular session resumed.  Karen Krien returned to the meeting.

Next, with Derrick Tice still on the phone, Superintendent Schiltz presented a Waiver of physical requirements resolution for Ralph Lebow.  After discussion, Ed Marin made a motion to approve the resolution with the stipulations that had been discussed.  The motion was seconded by Chris Bracelin and unanimously passed.

Superintendent Schiltz presented a letter to the board from Ms. Tiffany Poet requesting the Supplemental Salary Schedule for FFA Judging Teams coach be adjusted from its current rate to that of an assistant coach’s rate.  She is requesting the name of the position be changed to FFA Advisor.  Mila Bandel made a motion to approve Ms. Poet’s request when the 2016-2017 salary schedule is approved in November.  Troy Hilt seconded the motion, and it carried.

Schools are now required to supply mentor teachers for new teachers with initial teaching licenses.  We have three veteran teacher mentors this year:  Jean Ann Confer, Jeff Olofson, and Carla Schiltz.  These mentors are required to take a KSDE approved mentoring class to be qualified.  Superintendent Schiltz requested the board consider paying our mentors a stipend of $750 for their first mentee and $375 for each additional mentee/year.  This payment would be paid in the mentors’ June payroll period.  Chris Bracelin made a motion to approve paying the mentors as presented; motion was seconded by Cale Rieger and carried.

The Board was informed of the new monthly Blue Cross-Blue Shield premium rates for the health-insurance group of school employees, effective with the new plan from November 1, 2016, through October 31, 2017.  Information received from BCBS indicates an average decrease of 2.08% in premiums.  An initial recommendation was made by Superintendent Schiltz to keep the amount paid by the school at $435 for a single plan and $870 for all other plans. More thought will be given to this, and it will be scheduled for the Board to consider for final approval at the October Board meeting.

A summary of the preliminary 2016-2017 school enrollment compared with the official 2015-2016 school enrollment was reviewed.  The total FTE enrollment of 271.5 is UP 1.5 students, and headcount is UP 4 students at this time.  The official 2016-2017 enrollment will be determined on September 20, 2016.

The KASB Region 9 Fall Education Summit will be held at the Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center in Oakley on Wednesday, September 28, 2016, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  If any Board members are interested in attending, they should let us know so we can make reservations.

Next, Superintendent Schiltz reviewed the details of a proposed set of playground equipment to replace the fort that was torn down this summer.  This design was settled on by a playground committee put together at the grade school.  Carol Sloper had submitted a grant application to the Hansen Foundation to fund the equipment.  We were informed last week that the foundation agreed to fund $5,000 of the project.  The total project cost is $133,334.00.  After discussion, Chris Bracelin made a motion to purchase the new equipment as set out in the proposal.  The motion was seconded by Cale Rieger and carried.

No review of Board Policy was scheduled for this meeting.

Review of School-Improvement Process:  Superintendent Schiltz reviewed with the board the new Kansas Educational Systems Accreditation (KESA) model.

The next Board of Education meeting will be held on October 13, 2016, at 7:00 a.m.

At 8:30 a.m., Mila Bandel moved that the meeting adjourn; the motion was seconded by Ed Marin and carried.