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St. Francis FFA Members Compete At KSU

This past weekend four FFA members, Matthisen Witzel, Janeth Perez-Medina, Coy DeWaal, and Mason Schmid along with advisor Tiffany Poet attended the Kansas State Agricultural Education Club Speech Contest in Manhattan, Kansas. These members have been working on their speech for the past two month. All four members wrote, memorized and presented a prepared speech varying in length from 3-6 minutes depending on the grade level.

Additionally, DeWaal and Witzel each participated in Extemporaneous Speaking. For this speech they drew a topic and had 30 minutes to prepare and memorize a 4-6 minute speech. There were over 20 other students from around the state in each room and students had to place in the top two to move out of the room and on to finals. The competition was from around the state and while none of the St. Francis members advanced to finals they each gained valuable experience.

“I am incredibly proud of each of these members for taking a risk and investing not only a Saturday competing but also hours writing and memorizing. Public speaking in one of the top fears and these students tackled that fear straight on.” said Ms. Poet. Chapter members will use the feedback they received to improve their speeches and skills for the District Speech Contest in Natoma on February 16th, 2017.