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St. Francis

Board of Education


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The meeting was called to order by Board President Shannon Grover in the administration office on the above date at 7:00 a.m. with everyone present except Ed Marin.  Mila Bandel left the meeting at 7:59 a.m.

Troy Hilt made a motion to approve the agenda with three changes: 1) move 5b) to immediately after approval of agenda; during 5b 2) Superintendent Schiltz requested a 15 minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel and, 3) after 5b a 10 minute executive session to discuss student matters, in order to protect the confidentiality of individuals; the motion was seconded by Derrick Tice and carried.

The board moved to item 5b, Superintendent Schiltz then requested a 15 minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel issues.  Derrick Tice made a motion to go into executive session at 7:01 a.m., seconded by Chris Bracelin and carried.  At 7:16 a.m. Chris Bracelin made a motion to go back into executive session for an additional 10 minutes; the Board came out of executive session at 7:26 a.m. with no decisions being made.

The Board and administration continued with discussion of staffing plans for 2017 – 2018.  Contract offers and proposed reassignments (if any) for 2017-2018 can be acted-on at the regular meeting on May 10, 2017. 

As discussed at the March meeting, by law (K.S.A. 72-5411), a school board must notify a teacher in writing on or before the third Friday in May (May 19th this year) if said teacher’s contract will not be renewed; and a teacher must notify the school board in writing on or before 14 days after the third Friday in May (June 2nd this year) if (s)he is resigning from their teaching contract.

Superintendent Schiltz next requested a 10 minute executive session to discuss student matters, in order to protect the confidentiality of individuals.  At 7:30 a.m. Chris Bracelin made a motion for the board to go into executive session, with Darla Raile and Traci Neitzel leaving the room; motion was seconded by Troy Hilt and carried.  At 7:40 a.m. the board came out of executive session with no decision being made.  Ms. Neitzel returned to the meeting; Ms. Raile left for the Grade School.

The Board reviewed and discussed the items on the consent calendar.  A motion was then made by Mila Bandel, seconded by Troy Hilt, and carried to approve the consent calendar, including the following items:  a) The minutes of the regular Board meeting on March 14, 2017.  b) A list of bills being paid on direct deposit slips numbering 0317001 – 0317067 and on checks numbering 10942-10944 on BANKWEST, and checks numbering 12048-12109 on First National Bank for a total of $359,655.72.  c) The Cash Summary Report (including three transfers: $7,109.04 from Supplemental General Fund to the Vocational Fund, $5,713.77 from the General Fund to the At-Risk Fund, and $30,735.00 from General Fund to the Special Ed Fund)¸ the Grade School Activity Fund Report, and the High School Activity Fund Report – all as of March 31, 2017.  d) The Board approved the following gift offers:  1) $1,000.00 from the family of Robert and Arnita Yost for the Robert and Arnita Yost Memorial Scholarship to be awarded to graduating seniors.  2) $1,000.00 from David Huffman for the Ray Huffman Memorial Scholarship to be awarded to graduating seniors.   

There were no audiences present.

The Scholarship Committee reported that they had met and made the recommended selections for one 2017 Alice Gillispie Academic Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 (non-renewable) and the 2017 Walter and Lucille Stephenson Memorial Scholarships.  Chris Bracelin moved to approve the list of recommended scholarship recipients, seconded by Cale Rieger, and carried; the names of the recipients will be kept confidential until they are announced at High School Commencement on May 14, 2017.

Up to this point, the hiring committee has not needed to meet.  If needed in the future, a hiring committee meeting will be scheduled.

Under Old Business, Superintendent Schiltz discussed with the Board the new school finance formula being debated in the legislature.  A couple of formulas have been presented as well as their impact on individual districts.  It is unknown at this time what the exact formula will be. 

United Sport Systems out of Wichita has accepted our conditions for resurfacing the track.  A copy of the agreement between USD 297 and United Sport Systems was reviewed by the Board.  Superintendent Schiltz plans to write a thorough summary of what we believe to know about our existing asphalt and track in general.  This document will be used in future years to keep the track updated as necessary.

Also under Old Business, the proposed drawing of the high school front lawn project was reviewed and discussed, with a few proposed changes by board members.  After discussion, Chris Bracelin made a motion to table the project until next year due to existing projects already being considered and in process; motion was seconded by Troy Hilt and carried.

Under New Business, the Board received a resignation from ShayLinn Zweygardt, resigning her position as high school girls’ assistant volleyball coach.  Also, Tish Havel turned in her resignation from her position as 3rd grade teacher, due to health reasons.  A motion was made by Cale Rieger, seconded by Derrick Tice, and carried to accept these two resignations.

Next under New Business, Superintendent Schiltz updated the Board on the E-rate process and what we are currently utilizing the process for.  Also discussed was the possibility of upgrading our telephone system to a much more modern and cost effective system.

Under Miscellaneous Items, Superintendent Schiltz reported the Kansas Assessments have started and are progressing fairly smoothly.

Under Review of School-Improvement Process, Superintendent Schiltz gave a brief overview of the new accreditation process (KESA) to the board.

No review of Board Policy.

The next scheduled Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at 7:00 A.M.

At 8:39 a.m., Cale Rieger moved that the meeting adjourn; the motion was seconded by Chris Bracelin and carried.