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St. Francis

Student Showcase


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Featuring: Coy De Waal

Coy De Waal has always been notorious for his random facts and his bountiful knowledge. Many people might say that you could ask De Waal almost anything and he would have some sort of logical answer to give an explanation.

“Coy is very full of knowledge,” said Senior Matthisen Witzel. “He is super smart and knows pretty much any history or science fact you could imagine.” Witzel served as an officer with De Waal since their freshman year

De Waal was an active member of FFA during the entirety of his high school career. Starting off in FFA his freshman year, he had a position on the junior officer team. De Waal then ran for executive office his junior year and continued to be on the officer team the rest of high school.

“As Coy investigated his passions and looked for ways to make himself stand out, he found a ‘home’ in FFA,” said Tiffany Poet, FFA advisor and ag teacher. “He is a dependable teammate that leads his team in practices and competitions. His sense of humor, knowledge, and personality make him a favorite among the members.”

De Waal has participated in a multitude of Career Development Events (CDEs) ranging from the speech contest to food science. He competed at both district and state level CDEs every year.