Happenings For the Week of April 4, 2022
Monday LAB 102 1 st Hour Mr. Olofson LAB 102 4 th hour Mr. Olofson Choir Rehearsal 3:17 p.m. Tuesday LAB 102 1 st Hour Mr. Olofson LAB 102 4 th hour Mr. Olofson SEL DAY! HS Music Recital 7:00 p.m. Wednesday . . .

PTA Fall Festival Enjoyed by Many
The St. Francis Parent - Teacher Association sponsored the annual Fall Festival on Monday, October 1st. Many community members and students attended the event and all seemed to have a good time. There were many different types of . . .
Using the Activities Calendar
Searching for information about school activities? Use the "Activities Calendar" button on the right side of the screen. You can get daily, weekly, or monthly activity information via this link. For example: Would you like to get . . .

Visit Journalism Site
Journalism students work to master podcast and blog
Not only are SFCHS Journalism students busy turning out a yearbook and DVD to remember the year, they are also creating a new journalism website which includes a podcast and a blog. . . .