2024-2025 School Calendar for download and viewing
Click on this link to download and view 2024-2025 School Calendar

Career and Technical Education Reports
Click this link to see the Kansas Career and Technical Education Reports
Print apps to print from your phone to the school's cloud printers
Google Cloud Print for Android phones Cloud Print is the official Android app for printing to Google Cloud Print from your Android devices. Once it's installed, you can share your documents, photos, or PDFs to the app, choose your . . .
School Menu
Daily School Menu Breakfast--100%Juice, Whole Grain Cereal Assortment and 1%Milk are offered every morning. Lunch--JR. HIGH AND HIGH SCHOOL, . . .
Homeless Student Information
Please click this link to access homeless student information.
SFCHS To Use Electronic Transcripts
St. Francis High School has recently teamed with Parchment, Inc. to begin electronically sending student transcripts to destinations requested by the student. The transcript information is safe and secure. Parchment is now used by . . .
Student Resource Links to Other Sites
ACT Student Practice Test --Site for ACT practice. (Requires login and password.) ask jeeves --Popular search engine google --Popular search engine kan-ed --Kan-ed resource site Student Email Service -- . . .